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Mental Health After a Car Accident

We often associate damages after a car accident with medical bills, lost wages during recovery periods, property damage, and other tangible, economic losses. However, we can experience significant mental and emotional turmoil as a result of the accident as well, including the development of mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety and a loss of quality of life.

While we may not often discuss this issue, it is important to know that mental health resources are available and you may be eligible to collect damages to help you recover from these negative impacts.

Common Mental Health Impacts of Car Accidents

It is not uncommon for victims of car accidents to experience mental health issues following their collisions. Getting into a car accident can be a terrifying experience, and you may feel a roller coaster of emotions in the moments after the collision. In some cases, these emotions and bad feelings don’t go away.

Depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are common mental health impacts of car accidents. PTSD may develop in the days, weeks, or even months following the car accident, characterized by a trigger that brings you back to the accident. You may experience a persistent fear or sadness as you try to adjust back to daily life, often interfering with the activities you once loved.

You may experience extreme anxiety or nervousness while driving after the accident, and this condition may keep you away from the wheel altogether. Depression may also occur, especially if you suffered a severe injury that impacts your quality of life, mobility, or brain function.

Non-Economic Damages and Car Accident Claims

If you are filing a claim after a car accident, it is important to know the two main types of damages you can receive: economic and non-economic. While economic damages involve your tangible, out-of-pocket costs, non-economic damages refer to the emotional and intangible harm that the accident caused.

Mental illnesses, worsening emotional health, and a loss of quality of life are all types of non-economic damages you may be eligible for in your lawsuit. Speak to your Fort Collins car accident attorney as soon as possible to determine which non-economic losses you can claim and how this compensation can help you recover.

What Mental Health Resources Are Available After a Car Accident?

No one deserves to suffer from a mental health condition. If you are experiencing a worsening mental state as a result of your car accident, it is important to seek professional help as soon as you can. There are many resources available to help you overcome this difficult time.

  • Speak to your primary care physician about referring you to a mental health professional. Receiving professional treatment can help you obtain the counseling, medications, and support you need to understand and handle your condition.
  • Confidential support lines are also available if you are unable to seek professional help. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) offers a free, confidential, and 24/7 helpline for people struggling with mental health conditions. You can call the helpline at 1-800-662-HELP (4357).
  • If you experience suicidal thoughts or any thoughts about harming yourself or others, seek help immediately. Contact your medical provider or call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255. Remember, help is always available.

After a car accident in Fort Collins, contact a personal injury attorney as soon as possible. Your lawyer will help you determine which damages you qualify for, including mental health-related compensation, and will work closely with you to strategize your next steps. Schedule your free consultation today to discuss your legal options.