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Airbnb Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Lawyer

Carbon monoxide poisoning is a serious health risk. It can occur when someone breathes in the gas created by fuel that is not combusted properly. Carbon monoxide, or CO, has no taste, color or smell. This can make it impossible to detect until it has already caused harmful health effects to those in the room. If you were staying at an Airbnb when you suffered carbon monoxide poisoning, learn your legal rights with assistance from the attorneys at Cannon Law.

Why Choose Us?

  • We understand how complicated premises liability cases work, including claims involving injuries suffered at vacation rentals such as Airbnb or VRBO.
  • Our attorneys have years of experience and a long history of positive case results to prove our capabilities. We can go up against any defendant, big or small.
  • Our Airbnb carbon monoxide poisoning attorneys operate on a contingency fee basis. This means you won’t pay your lawyer unless you win your case.

What Is Carbon Monoxide Poisoning?

Carbon monoxide is a toxic gas that is produced when a fossil fuel is burned. If a fuel-burning product does not do its job effectively, such as a faulty furnace or defective vehicle, CO can be emitted into the air and poison anyone who breathes it in. Carbon monoxide poisoning is most common in an enclosed, unventilated space, such as inside a home or vacation rental.

When carbon monoxide is inhaled, it binds to the hemoglobin in the blood and prevents the body from getting oxygen. At high concentrations or with prolonged exposure, carbon monoxide can suffocate the body of oxygen enough to cause serious injuries, including brain damage or death. Anyone can suffer injuries from carbon monoxide poisoning, but children and the elderly are most at risk of serious injuries from oxygen deprivation.

How Can Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Be Prevented?

Carbon monoxide is a well-known injury risk. It is every property owner’s duty to prevent guests – including Airbnb guests – from suffering carbon monoxide poisoning. Before allowing guests to stay at the rental property, the owner or landlord must take reasonable care of the premises and maintain any appliances that could malfunction and produce this dangerous gas.

Airbnb strongly encourages hosts to install carbon monoxide alarms and update their listings to indicate that they have these detectors in place or that the space does not contain any fuel-burning appliances. Actions such as inspecting furnaces, grills, water heaters and fireplaces or installing CO detectors could prevent serious injuries from carbon monoxide poisoning at a vacation rental.

How to File a Claim for Carbon Monoxide Poisoning at an Airbnb

If the owner of an Airbnb is negligent, or fails to exercise reasonable care to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning, he or she could be held liable for related guest injuries or deaths. Airbnb offers up to $1 million in Host Protection Insurance for injured guests. You may be entitled to compensation through this insurance policy if your injuries were caused by a property hazard or unsafe condition. You may also be entitled to compensation from the Airbnb owner’s homeowners insurance policy, depending on the circumstances.

To file a claim, first collect all documents, records and information pertaining to your carbon monoxide poisoning injuries. This may include a police report or your medical records. Then, contact Airbnb to report the incident and file an insurance claim. Before you accept a fast settlement offer from the insurance company, consult with an attorney about your rights. You may deserve more compensation than the insurer is initially offering. A lawyer can help you negotiate for fair and full financial compensation.

Contact an Attorney Today | Free Case Consultations

Carbon monoxide poisoning can cause serious, debilitating and deadly injuries to victims. If you or a loved one suffered from carbon monoxide poisoning while staying at an Airbnb in Colorado, contact Cannon Law for a free case evaluation. We can help you protect your rights during a claim against a property owner, vacation rental host or Airbnb itself. We care about our clients and can help you achieve the best possible results for your case. Call (970) 471-7170 or contact us online today to schedule your case review.