The decision to place your loved one in a nursing home is never easy. For some families, it might be one of the most heartbreaking and tough decisions they make in their lifetime. This decision becomes harder when the comfort and care people expect their loved ones to receive from a nursing home
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Medication errors are far from rare; it’s estimated that medication mistakes kill one person every day and causes injury to about 1.3 million people every year across the US. Medication errors can occur at any point in the distribution system, from repackaging and dispensing to administering, prescribing, and monitoring. Unfortunately, most medication
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Medical errors kill more Americans annually than motor vehicle accidents, firearms and suicide combined, according to researchers at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Despite this, hospitals and medical providers are doing very little to determine how to prevent them from happening. Between 210,000 and 440,000 patients suffer from some type of
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