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Common Workplace Injuries

The workplace can be dangerous for workers in any industry. According to the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment, 96 workers in Colorado died on the job in 2021. Hundreds of victims also suffered serious work-related injuries and illnesses that took them out of work and cost thousands of dollars in medical bills. If you get injured at work in Fort Collins, the attorneys at Cannon Law can help.

Broken Bones

Statewide data shows that the number one cause of workplace injuries in Colorado in 2021 was transportation incidents. Accidents involving cars, trucks, vans, tractors, forklifts and other work vehicles can cause one or more bone fractures. Other common workplace accidents that can cause broken bones are falls, contact with objects or equipment, and limbs getting caught in or between pieces of equipment. Examples include spinal fractures, skull fractures, broken ribs and crushed bones.

Soft-Tissue Injuries

A worker’s soft tissues – which include the muscles, tendons, ligaments and nerves – can sustain serious damage in many types of work accidents. Traumatic accidents such as slip and falls can lead to muscle sprains or strains, including whiplash injuries. However, repetitive motions at work can also cause painful and debilitating soft-tissue injuries. Frequent bending, twisting or lifting can result in herniated discs and other neck and back injuries. Jobs that involve constant typing or wrist and arm movements, such as working on an assembly line, can also lead to carpal tunnel syndrome.

Burns and Electrocutions

Contact with sources of heat, electricity, caustic chemicals or radiation at work can cause burn injuries. Burns can inflict damage to the top layer of skin (epidermis) and second layer of skin (dermis), as well as the deeper tissues and – with a third-degree burn – the underlying muscles and bone. Severe burn injuries can cause lasting damage, including scarring, disfigurement, loss of mobility, infections, nervous system disorders and amputations. Contact with sources of electricity can also result in painful electric shocks or fatal electrocutions.

Back and Spine Injuries

Many different work accidents can result in neck, back and spinal cord injuries. Back injuries can affect a worker for life with lasting harm such as chronic pain or – in the most severe cases – irreversible paralysis. Common back injuries include herniated discs, nerve damage, muscle sprains, joint injuries, degenerative disc disease, fractured vertebrae, paraplegia and quadriplegia. Like soft-tissue damage, back and spine injuries can occur in traumatic accidents or due to repetitive motions.

Concussions and Traumatic Brain Injuries

Workers can suffer traumatic brain injuries if they hit their heads in any type of accident, including a fall or transportation accident. A bump, blow or jolt to the head could cause a concussion or a severe brain injury, such as hemorrhage (bleeding) or edema (swelling). An object falling and striking a worker’s head could also cause a brain injury, as can acts of violence from people and animals (e.g., penetrating head injuries from a gunshot wound). Traumatic brain injuries from work accidents can result in long-term or permanent brain damage.


Severe workplace accidents in Colorado can result in amputations, such as lost fingers or severed limbs. A worker’s arms or legs could get crushed by heavy machinery at work or pulled into a dangerous piece of equipment. This is especially true if the equipment was missing its machine guard. If a loss of limb or digit occurs, the worker’s life will never be the same. Amputations are catastrophic injuries that often interfere with a victim’s ability to earn a living.

Were You Injured at Work? Contact Our Fort Collins Injury Attorneys

If you were injured in the workplace in Colorado, you may be eligible for compensation. Sources of compensation can include a workers’ compensation insurance claim, which does not require proof of fault, or a personal injury lawsuit. While a lawsuit requires proof of someone else’s negligence, it could result in a greater financial recovery than workers’ comp. Discuss all of your legal options with an attorney at Cannon Law for more information. Request a free case consultation today.